Background Position Tests

The background images on the spans should be level with the baseline of the text

Your browser

17px line-height. 12px Arial. Inline

Link text

17px line-height. 12px Arial. Block

Link Text

17px line-height. 12px Arial. Block with 5px vertical padding

Link Text

Screenshots comparing Win 7 - Firefox, to OSX - Firefox & Safari


  1. All browsers on Win 7 render the height and background position of the <span>s identically (and correctly?)
  2. Only Firefox on OS X renders the inline <span>s at the same height as browsers on Win 7
  3. Only Firefox on OS X renders the background position on block-level <span>s with padding identically to browsers on Win 7
  4. Safari on OS X renders identically to Chrome and Opera on OS X

For cross-browser pixel perfection, vertical background positions need to be adjusted by -1px for OS X browsers, except Firefox (in some cases).

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